Announcement on the Success of the Seventh Phase of DIBI “Earn”

1 min readAug 19, 2021


Dear all,

The seventh phase of DIBI “Earn” and “DBL mining” activity of DeerBit Global has been successfully completed. All participating DIBI have been unlocked, and all users can view their DBL income.

According to the official data of DeerBit Global, the total number of DIBI locks in the seventh phase of DBL mining reached 699971595.46, while the income of DBL reached 26490.00596. According to the gold standard, the annual income was as high as 186%.

Congratulations to all users who participate in seventh phase of DIBI “Earn”. At present, the ninth phase of activity is in progress. Please look forward to more surprises.


Log in to the official website of DeerBit Global exchange( ), click the home page navigation bar [Earn] to participate.

Risk tips:

Digital asset is an innovative investment based on the application of blockchain technology, which has a large risk coefficient. Please make sure you know the relevant knowledge of digital asset investment and make a careful choice.

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DeerBit Global Exchange是DIBIibi科技有限公司打造的全球首个交易平台,专注于打造去中心化交易规则。